Did you envision this life with your dog differently?
“The list of places and things we would not do with Bristol grew longer because of off leash dog aggression and lack of recall (no hiking, picnics, trail running, swimming) we knew this was not the life we wanted with our dog”

“The list of places and things we would not do with Bristol grew longer because of off leash dog aggression and lack of recall (no hiking, picnics, trail running, swimming) we knew this was not the life we wanted with our dog.
We were hesitant about training at first, but working with Rhonda was night and day compared to our previous training experiences. Bristol is learning to greet off leash dogs in a friendly way, control her excitement in new situations, and remain obedient in high distraction environments!
Since the training we have received dozens of comments from friends and family about the amazing difference they see in Bristol and how enjoyable she is to be around now. I am so thankful we found Rhonda and she gave us to tools and techniques to live in harmony with Bristol.
Last weekend I went trail running with her alone without lance for the first time in 3 years. The two of us had so much fun and that was definitely something I never thought I would be able to do with her! She also had a successful first day at dog camp. All the best and thanks again” -Katie